The Care Employer Award
ROC Group
Director Sally Bishop and her team thrive on giving the children and young people opportunities to achieve their full potential. They focus on small things to make a big difference and celebrate every win. A motivational and committed organisation.
Highly Commended
Your Chapter
The organisational values are embedded throughout their practice. They adopt a child centred ethos in everything they do and have demonstrated proven positive impacts on the young people in their care.
The Newcomer Award
Esther Murray, Futures Group
Esther has shown her dedication to helping young people throughout the pandemic when they had lost confidence and were disengaging in school. She has managed to get sixty young people back into education whilst securing a large proportion of young people with disabilities into a work placement. She has engaged with pupils online, gone on walks and supported young people to reintegrate back into school. As a result of this young people are 100% happier and it shows!
Highly Commended
Sarah Cullingford, IDEM Living
Sarah exudes all the qualities that one would look for in a caring sector. Her passion for the job really shines through. She has gone the extra mile to ensure young people feel valued and heard whilst acting as a family figure to support them into adulthood.
The Support Worker Award (Central)
Kieran Maddison, Horizon Care Education
The judges were really impressed with Kieran and his commitment as a support worker for young people leaving care. Kieran single-handedly approached businesses in his community to source 65 Christmas trees, sixty-five gifts and cards to be given to sixty-five young people spending Christmas independently. He also cooked and delivered a Christmas dinner to a young person on Christmas day as he knew the young person would be spending the day on their own. An outstanding and dedicated social care professional!
Highly Commended
Scott Browett, Footsteps to Futures
Scott displayed passion and commitment in his role as support worker. He has used his own childhood experiences to help other children and young people in the care environment. Scott has supported one young person moving into the residential children home in his own personal time. In Scott’s words: “I’m in the best job ever”. An asset to the sector!
The Support Worker Award (North)
Louisa Daley, Wakefield Council
Louisa’s passion and drive to deliver therapeutic support is transforming and shaping the lives of the children and families that she supports. Louisa you are a life saver!
Highly Commended
Nicole Brewer, Wigan Council
It is clear that Nicole loves her job! She is a passionate and determined individual who strives to improve the lives of the children and families she supports.
The Support Worker Award (South)
Sarah Cornish, Eddison
Sarah was extremely passionate about her role as a Support Worker. She understood the various skills needed to support the young people in her care and was able to provide excellent and inspiring examples of the positive impact that she has had on the lives of young people. Well done Sarah!
Highly Commended
Kirsty Head, Cuckfield Care Consultancy
Kirsty explained that she does not see her chosen career as a job and was simply passionate about having a positive impact on the lives of young people. She was able to describe the qualities needed to compliment the role of support worker.
The Children’s Home Manager Award
Jodie Sanderson, Young Foundations Limited
Jodie has a focus and passion for ensuring the staff input results in positive outcomes for the young people with shared understanding and a supportive, transparent management style. She and her team work hard in their pursuit of excellence and will do whatever it takes to create memories for the young people in her care and her staff team.
Highly Commended
Joseph Southwell, Hull City Council
Joseph demonstrates a child centred, innovative approach to meeting the needs of complex young people in his care. He promotes positive outcomes through high expectations, enthusiasm and commitment. He continues to develop his service to provide bespoke packages of care building his team around the child and the child within the team.
The Frontline Leader Award
Chloe Grundy, New Horizons NW
Chloe’s passion and commitment within her role was evident. She is consistent with each team member helping them individually develop. Her approach is to provide a strong family network for the young people her team support, helping them to feel loved, respected and cared for. She ensures the home is full of happiness and a culture of open and honest conversations.
Highly Commended
Marcus McDonald, Green Harvest CC Ltd
Marcus brings with him his enthusiasm and passion to helping his team grow with compassion and commitment. With a strong “can do attitude” Marcus encourages his team to think outside the box. He sees the year ahead for his teams as new and exciting. In his words, “The role we play is bridging the gap and creating a very special place for young people.”
The Senior Manager Award
Krysia Watson, Pebbles Care Area Manager
Krysia has a passion for leadership, management and self-development. She understands how to get the best out of the people she manages and is able to create a positive culture that embodies the values of the organisation and drives success
The Children’s Home Team Award (Central)
The Emmeline Team, Compass
The Emmeline team, led by Teyte Parish and Anne Pinner, demonstrated an amazing commitment and enthusiasm to making a difference to the lives of the young people they support. They provide an outstanding model of therapeutic care in a residential setting, and their ethos of excellence, continuous improvement and community inclusion is at the heart of everything they do. A genuine example of ‘Great British Care’ – and worthy winners of this award!
Highly Commended
Horizon Care, Field Grange Care Team
It was abundantly clear that the whimsical team at Field Grange Care are an extremely close-knit family group who go above and beyond to support the young people in their care, developing strong and meaningful relationships with those young people, their families and professionals. It was a real pleasure to spend some time in the company of this fabulous team.
The Children’s Home Team Award (North)
Branas Isaf, Dewis Cysgod Cyfarfod
This team are clearly enthusiastic and joined up, sharing a clear vision for the home and the young people who live there. They have demonstrated that playing to individual strengths within the team have really helped to improve outcomes for children and young people. Well done!
Highly Commended
Marydale Staff Team, Nugent
This team are clearly highly child centred who recognise that the needs of staff can directly impact on the care provided to the young people, and they have put support systems in place to help mitigate this. The team recognise the importance of communication and consultation in order to achieve best outcomes for young people.
The Children’s Home Team Award (South)
Tregosse Home Team, Spectrum
This team were able to articulate the highly person centred and individualised approach they take. There was a complete togetherness as a team in how they work to achieve the best outcomes for the young person they support. The passion and care demonstrated during the judging session was palpable and the success and outcomes they have achieved with the person they support deserves recognition.
Highly Commended
Willow Trees Team, Caldecott Foundation
This team provided a very professional and personable interview. Carly’s passion and leadership was tangible. She spoke about her home with real pride about what her staff team have achieved with the children in their care. Their achievements with Ofsted are impressive and echo what we heard in them demonstrating high professional and personal standards in our session.
The Inspirational Young Person Award
Morgan Briones, Aspris Children’s Services
Morgan has turned her life around and has found the strength and courage to be able to develop into a kind and caring young woman despite the challenges she has faced. When Morgan moved into a children’s home she had already travelled a difficult road for someone of her age. She found it difficult to form healthy relationships and often found herself in dangerous situations. She has matured and grown in so many ways and has transformed into the young adult she is now. Whilst battling depressing and struggling with mental health, being a young adult and the changes in hormones, she has pushed through and shown determination. She has been let down continuously by the education system and has often wanted to give up, but after many months of persistence she has enrolled onto a traineeship and is striving to do great things on her course. Morgan you are amazing and you deserve the best!
Kamerah Owusu Reddicks, Jamore Homes
Kamerah, Kamerah is a 12 year old girl who has not been in a residential setting very long but has come leaps and bounds since she has been here. Kamerah came to Jamore Homes from a foster placement that did not work out due to her behavioural challenges. Kamerah has worked phenomenally hard and is able to express her emotions in a way that reduces risks. Kamerah is able to discuss her wants and needs in a productive manner and is fully engaged in her care. Kamerah is now attending school 5 days a week. Throughout her time in care she has been selfless and ensured that her brother who is not a part of the provision is looked after and has that caring nature. There is no doubt that Kamerah will go on to achieve amazing things!
Gia Soni, Haberdashers’ Girls’ School
Gia is in year 5 at Haberdashers’ School for Girls and holds the esteem position of the Eco Councillor in her year school group. Apart from school, she swims for Barnet Copthall swimming club and wants to, someday, win a medal for Great Britain! Gia wrote her first book titled Gia’s Short Stories when she was just six. This was a collection of short stories that consisted of animals, princesses and morals. The money raised through the sale of her books are donated to the Akshaya Patra Foundation UK. Gia found out about how the foundation helps vulnerable children in India and has committed to continue to support them. She wants to visit the schools in Bangalore in India and meet the children. Gia is quite simply inspirational!
The Foster Carer Award (Individual)
Charlie Loader
A strong, resilient, dedicated, humble and an incredible individual who took a personal tragedy and turned it into something good! Charlie is Inspirational.
The Foster Carer Award (Couple)
Tammie and Ian Jackson, Fostering UK
Tammie and Ian are resourceful and creative going above and beyond for each child they care for. A dedicated and inspirational couple and assets to the sector.
The Fostering and Adoption Award
Safer Fostering
The dedication that Safer Fostering have shown to therapeutic fostering is phenomenal. The policies which they have developed are ground breaking, and the fact that other agencies are adopting these policies is testament to this. Alison and Gareth are dedicated and forward thinking, and it is clear that their continued work and commitment is making huge differences to children in the care of the families that they support.
The Biggest Impact Award (Individual)
Sarah Cheaney, XYP Childcare
Sarah is a dedicated educator with a real passion for supporting children and young people to access education that really works for them. She is a shining example of just how big an impact an individual can have on the lives of children and young people. The judges agreed that Sarah was the strongest nominee and is a very worthy winner of The Biggest Impact Award.
Highly Commended
Samantha Walshaw, Wakefield Council
Samantha demonstrated strong leadership, and always leading by example to transform services and the lives of the children she supports. One of her residents described her as “her shining star and her rainbow”. Sam embodies a professional approach to giving young people the best start in life. The judges agreed Samantha should be Highly Commended in this close run category for the impact she so clearly has on the children and young people in her care.
The Biggest Impact Award (Team)
Children’s Services, The Royal Borough of Greenwich
From this inspired leader, a new way to capture memories through technology has made, and will continue to make, the biggest impact on the lives of children. Not only is the solution a great game changer, but the tenacity of Ishara in also recognising the need, finding a solution and then making it a reality is a skill that deserves recognition and respect. Not only that, but the team ethic and hard work was also a critical success factor. It doesn’t stop there; the team’s forward vision is an even further reach which I am sure will soon become a reality.
Highly Commended
David Thompson, The Inicio Group
David is an inspirational leader who has created a philosophy which has at its heart the very purpose of the organisation. Through the ECHO programme comes a focus on what matters, and the two critical success factors of those they support and those who provide it. David is a true leader who is grounded in his delivery, authentic in his mission and clear on his goals
The Safeguarding of Children Award
Sean Morgan, New Start Children’s services
Sean’s passion and drive for always giving children and young people the best possible start is clear. His commitment to providing opportunities through a supportive and safe package of care is outstanding.
Highly Commended
Central Bedfordshire Early Help Service
The team demonstrates an innovative approach to working with children and families to support them to maintain safety and thrive. The strength and passion of the team working shone through and their commitment to the children and young people they support was so incredibly clear for all to see. Their early interventions make a real impact and help prevent escalations in need.
The Children with Disabilities Award (Individual)
Marie Jevon, Include ‘In’ Autism
Marie is a highly passionate and inspiring volunteer who has Autism herself. She works over 60 hours a week voluntarily, educating and supporting children with autism and acting as an ambassador for children with autism. Her vision is for each child to progress and have a voice. In Marie’s words: “Every child’s voice should be heard and every child is entitled to a voice.”
The Children with Disabilities Award (Team)
True Colours Theatre
This is an excellent initiative, showing innovation and inclusive practice, working with families and forming partnerships with local community groups and organisations, including young carers. This initiative gives children the opportunity to experience and be a part to activities they just would not normally have the opportunity to be a part of. It is also an excellent support network for parents
Highly Commended
The Meadows Staff Team, GS Social Care Solutions
This team are incredible. They ensure that disability does not stand in way of the child’s dream, which is truly inspirational! They go above and beyond to ensure the children in their care live to their full potential.
The Leaving Care Award
The Grandmentors Team, Volunteering Matters
This inspiring initiative bridges generations to ensure the young people today learn from the experts from yesterday. Well done!
Highly Commended
Nathan Stewart, James Sterling, Reiss Mothersille, WiSupport
Nathan ethos is to put the young person at the centre of everything. His passion and commitment shone through and he is a real asset to the sector.
The Wellbeing Award
The YGAM team
It’s important to recognise issues that are rarely spoke about. The YGAM team embody their own experiences, demonstrating passion and commitment, in their battle against gambling harm faced by young people. Their work is effective in reducing the number of children harmed by gambling addiction. Inspirational!
Highly Commended
Jess Jackson The Trauma Tree
Jess’ approach to social care is one that should be adopted nationwide, adopting the child’s feelings at every opportunity. There is a clear sense of passion and commitment to promoting wellbeing for the individual, by the individual.
The Partnership Working Award
NYAS and MadLug Company
This organisation is an excellent example of providing care and support in a way that always maintains dignity and respect, providing more than just services. The partnership works to provide a sense of worth for young people who may feel vulnerable, isolated, guilty and unheard.
Highly Commended
City of Wolverhampton Council, Children’s Services
An excellent example of proactive partnership involving as many agencies as possible a possible to prevent exploitation and modern slavery of children and young people.
The Children’s Champion Award
Central Bedfordshire Children Services
The passion of this team really shone through. They go above and beyond to provide care and support to not only the young carers the service is supporting but also their families and friends.
Highly Commended
Johnathan Zerei, Sandcastle Care
Jonathan is very committed to the service he provides building pathways to help all young people meet their potential. He is very passionate and an ideal role model.
The Children and Families Social Worker Award
Kelly Johns, London Borough of Hillingdon
Initially working as a support worker, Kelly took the steps to become a social worker. Her passion and insight are incredible. Her team enables young people to choose their social worker based on their qualities and therefore ensuring the Young Person starts their relationship based on choice – which is what we all seek in our lives!
Highly Commended
Sophie Hopcroft, Lancashire County Council
An incredibly committed and passionate care professional. In Sophie’s words: “I wanted to be that person who to safeguard children and young people in the way I wanted to be protected as a child, what I do is a real privilege.”
The Young Carer Award
Helena Newlove
Helena Newlove is an outstanding young carer. She is selfless, kind, caring and thoughtful and is committed to helping other young carers like her. Helena is 16 years old and is a carer for her two younger siblings, who were adopted by her family. Both of her siblings who are aged 12 and 4 have significant and complex additional needs. In her spare time Helena has been crucial to the Young Carers group which meets at her local youth centre. Helena doesn’t see being a young carer as a negative, in fact she sees it as hugely positive role which adds to her skillset. It is this outlook which she shares with other members of the group and helps them to reframe the way they look at their caring role.
Ashlea Palmer
Ashlea cares for and supports her brother Josh who has autism. She has helped him through his journey of autism without expectation of reward but because she loves him. Ashlea is also a young leader in her local scout group. An inspirational and selfless young carer!
Sophie Williamson
Sophie took on the role of young foster carer to the young man that was placed with her parents. This young man has complex diagnosis that requires intensive support and has challenges that are over and above anything one would expect. Sophie is very supportive of her parent and her foster brother and has played a huge role in helping him understand the world and to manage his emotions. Sophie has always been keen to expand her knowledge and attends training to help her to help her foster brother.
Very sadly Sophie was diagnosed with a brain tumour approximately two years ago. This was devastating for all concerned , however what was remarkable was that Sophie continued to remain committed to her foster brother and she helped him to understand what was happening for her and why she had to spend time in hospital. Sophie has been through a significant amount of intensive treatment and at one point was offered palliative care by the medical professionals. She refused this and resolved that she would beat the cancer for the sake of her family. Sophie is now cancer free and this is an absolute blessing as this young man would be lost without his big sister fighting his corner.
The Outstanding Contribution to Social Care
Nick Thornhill, Bedspace
Nick Thornhill is Managing Director and Founder of Bedspace, an organisation that provides accommodation and support for vulnerable people. To date Bedspace has supported more than 20,000 vulnerable young people. Nick adopts a very hands on approach and is obviously passionate about what he does. He clearly cares about the children and young adults he supports and has made a tangible impact in the sector.
Highly Commended
Simon Barr, White Trees Group
Simon is clearly passionate about his role as Director and Owner of Surecare Residential and gives 100% to ensure excellent child centred care. He uses his lives experience to have a positive impact on the lives of others.
The Social Care Covid Hero Award
Chris Campbell, Wakefield Council
According to Chris: “It’s been a mad bumpy ride but we did it.” Covid demonstrated that Chris and his are resilient and adaptable enough to get througheven the toughest of challenges.
The Social Care Covid Hero Team Award
Wings School Cumbria Care Team, Kedleston Group
This team went above and beyond during and beyond Covid to ensure the children and young people they support continue to achieve their very best potential. They have made personal sacrifices and demonstrated a real commitment and passion for what they do.
The Lifetime Achievement Award
Pamela McConnell, Chief Executive and Founder of Five Rivers Child Care
Pam McConnell is the Chief Executive and Founder of the social enterprise Five Rivers Child Care.
Pam qualified as a social worker with a degree in 1981 and continued her professional training as a psychotherapist, group analyst and family therapist. Specialising in child protection and mental health, led her to work as an independent expert in the courts. As a result of seeing the care sector was not able to deliver a therapeutic experience, she began her first therapeutic children’s home in 1989, progressing onto deliver other services including specialist schools, foster care and assessment and therapy.
Five Rivers Child Care has grown significantly since it began 33 years ago and through its Attachment and Trauma Informed (ATIC) model has supported thousands of children with adverse childhood experiences.